We hope you have been enjoying Go Hike Colorado and judging by our growing number of fans, we think you are. As with all online services, we thrive on your support. The best way to support our site is simply to enjoy the site, visit often, and tell your friends about us. However, this site is not free to maintain. Our number one priority is to provide you with a great hiking website with no cost to you. If you feel so inclined, we would be forever grateful if you took advantage of some of the ways to help us maintain the site financially.
We would, of course, be ecstatic if you would like to donate money to the maintenance of Go Hike Colorado. Please don't feel obligated, at all, to donate, but if you would like to donate please click the PayPal button below. Any amount would be amazing; $1 / $5 / $1,000,000 would go a long way helping us continue to bring you the best Colorado hiking content that we can. Please be advised however, that Go Hike Colorado is not a registered non-profit so any donations are NOT tax deductible. THANKS!
One way to support Go Hike Colorado is to use our affiliate program to purchase your outdoor gear. Here's how it works...
Before you buy outdoor gear, come to Go Hike Colorado and click on the links to select outdoor gear retailers provided on the homepage or below. If you wind up making a purchase, Go Hike Colorado gets a small commission. Here's how it works; when you click on the link a cookie will be stored on your computer for a limited time to alert the retailer that you are supporting Go Hike Colorado. Then, if you make a purchase, you get some killer gear and we get some cash to pay for website maintenance. Win, win!
At this time Go Hike Colorado is affiliated with the following retailers...more to come!
Before you buy outdoor gear, come to Go Hike Colorado and click on the links to select outdoor gear retailers provided on the homepage or below. If you wind up making a purchase, Go Hike Colorado gets a small commission. Here's how it works; when you click on the link a cookie will be stored on your computer for a limited time to alert the retailer that you are supporting Go Hike Colorado. Then, if you make a purchase, you get some killer gear and we get some cash to pay for website maintenance. Win, win!
At this time Go Hike Colorado is affiliated with the following retailers...more to come!